World Arthritis Day - October 12 World arthritis day aims at focusing on helping people with arthritis learn about how to have healthy and better life as well as spread awareness among individuals about healthy ways to prevent damage due to arthritis. Arthritis is the Inflammation of one or more joints with symptoms such as pain, swelling, restricted movements and deformity. The person may become disabled as the disease progress with age. Over 10 million people in India are suffering from arthritis. One among five individuals in the world is suffering form some or the other kind of bone or joint related problems.People of all ages, sex and race can have arthritis. Women and people above 50 years of age are more prone to this disease. The most common type of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Main symptoms related to arthritis are joint pain, swelling, restricted range of movement and deformity of the joints. The symptoms can worsen with the progression of the...
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