World Arthritis Day - October 12

World arthritis day aims at focusing on helping people with arthritis learn about how to have healthy and better life as well as spread awareness among individuals about healthy ways to prevent damage due to arthritis.
Arthritis is the Inflammation of one or more joints with symptoms such as pain, swelling, restricted movements and deformity. The person may become disabled as the disease progress with age. Over 10 million people in India are suffering from arthritis. One among five individuals in the world is suffering form some or the other kind of bone or joint related problems.People of all ages, sex and race can have arthritis. Women and people above 50 years of age are more prone to this disease. The most common type of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Main symptoms related to arthritis are joint pain, swelling, restricted range of movement and deformity of the joints. The symptoms can worsen with the progression of the disease.
Cause of arthritis
In most cases of arthritis, the cause is unknown. But there are certain factors which can raise the chance of getting it.
Age -  as age progresses, there will be wear and tear happening to the joints which can also be called as degenerative factors, causing arthritis. Mainly osteoarthritis is caused due to this.
Gender – women are more prone to arthritis, especially menopausal women. In case of gout, caused due to deposit of uric acid crystals in the joints, men are more susceptible.
Genetic factors – rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Ankylosing spondylitis are linked to certain genes
Obesity – responsible for osteoarthritis of weight bearing joints such as knee etc
Trauma/injuries – an injury to a joint that raise the chance of arthritis affecting to that joint
Infections – any bacterial, viral, fungal infections that can trigger the joint inflammation such as in septic arthritis
Over use of any joint – which can lead to wear and tear of that joint at an early age itself
Types of arthritis
Osteoarthritis – which is a degenerative arthritis where the space between the joints get reduced due to reduced synovial fluid, cartilage get worn out and the bones start rubbing against each other. This can happen to any joint after certain age.
Rheumatoid arthritis – its an auto immune disease where the body’s immune system start attacking the joint surface, bone and underlying structures which leads to RA
Gout – uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints which form as a lump under the skin
Psoriatic arthritis – it is also auto immune where there is involvement of skin also. Psoriatic lesion appear over the extremities and joints along with joint pain and deformity
SLE – immune cells attack the tissues leading to inflammation of joints, rashes in the skin and organ failure etc
Spondylitis – the inflammation to the vertebral column, degenerative changes in the vertebral bodies and intervertebral disc leading to different conditions such as cervical spondylitis, lumbar spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis etc
 The confirmation of arthritis can be done by physical examination, blood tests, imaging techniques such as xrays, mri etc
According to Ayurveda, Arthritis is mainly caused due to vitiation of Vata Dosha (one among the three doshas, the factors governing the body) combining with Ama (toxins), when gets accumulated in the joints. Ama is the indigested product or metabolic wastes that act as toxins in the body, which when gets accumulated any where in the body leads to inflammation, pain, stiffness etc.
Lifestyle changes to get relief from arthritis
Ayurveda has explained simple lifestyle modifications which can manage arthritis effectively. Once a joint is affected by arthritis, its nearing to its disability and finally deformity. Therefore, regular exercises and oil application to the joints should be given to prevent it from getting disabled. Healthy food habits should be adopted which will improve body’s response to the inflammation, provide adequate nutrients and boost immunity. Maintain a healthy body weight in order to give maximum strength to the joints.
The treatment protocol is Snehana, Swedana, Sodhana and Samana
Snehana(oleation) – can be done by oil massage, oil bath treatment or Pizhichil, or internal administration of ghee or oil . this will provide lubrication to the joints
Swedana(fomentation) -  fomentation is given through steam, the toxins from all over the body are collected in the digestive tract by this process
Sodhana (purification)– purificatory therapy done by panchkarma by which the toxins are expelled out as emesis, purgation or enema
Samana(pacifying) – the internal medicines in the form of decoction, pills etc which will reduce the inflammation and give strength to the body and improves the immunity
Treatment in Ayurveda includes detoxification of the body, reducing the inflammation and provide maximum strength to the joints. In allopathy, strong pain killers, steroids, mild doses of chemo therapy is provided which will suppress the pain and inflammation but doesn’t cure the condition. Whereas, Ayurveda promises effective cure for arthritis when diagnosed early, provided the patient is disciplined in taking our internal medicines regularly for required period of time, undergoing different varieties of oil massages and panchakarma therapy intermittently, follow strict diet restrictions and exercises.


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