Tridosha theory

They are the metabolic principles which govern the physical processes in the body without being quite physical themselves. This definition is still quite abstract because when we look at the functioning and characteristic features of each Dosha, they can be concrete enough to be moved around, increased or decreased, they can be displaced to any part where they don't belong and gets stuck in tissues to cause derangement in normal body functions. So hardly they can be called as physical matters. Therefore we cannot produce a sample of VATA, PITTA and KAPHA from our body and evaluate under the microscope. It can be only be understood once you view yourself from an Ayurvedic perspective. The DOSHAS are connected endlessly, even if you think you are working on one dosha the others will also respond. Something which increases Vata is decreasing Pitta and vice versa. Among the three, Vata has got ‘Chala’ nature, that is ability to move, therefore when Vata get aggravated and moves it drags the other two doshas along with it. Hence to balance the doshas, it is very necessary to know about the qualities attributed to each Dosha.


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