
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Culprit of mindgames - Triguna theory

There are certain factors that determine our character and attitude towards life. Basically all your emotions are their play. They can be called as ‘TRIGUNA’, or the ‘ Three qualities of mind’. They are: SATVA, RAJAS,  and TAMAS. An individual can be classified according to which of these three gunas are dominant. Satva is the purest form of Mind where a person possesses only healthy desires. He always wants to progress and look forward to peace and harmony in nature. Tamas is the exact opposite of Satva, as the name suggest ,Tamas, in Sanskrit means darkness, that is, an individual who possesses tamasik properties are stagnant, Pessimistic and timid. Rajas is more neutral quality that dictate action for its own sake. they are full of pride, confusion, anger, desiring for luxurious living, impatient, impulsive etc. Just like Tridoshas, all the Trigunas are also present in a person in certain percentage, that classify him under the category of Guna with highest scores. All the thr

Tridosha theory

They are the metabolic principles which govern the physical processes in the body without being quite physical themselves. This definition is still quite abstract because when we look at the functioning and characteristic features of each Dosha, they can be concrete enough to be moved around, increased or decreased, they can be displaced to any part where they don't belong and gets stuck in tissues to cause derangement in normal body functions. So hardly they can be called as physical matters. Therefore we cannot produce a sample of VATA, PITTA and KAPHA from our body and evaluate under the microscope. It can be only be understood once you view yourself from an Ayurvedic perspective. The DOSHAS are connected endlessly, even if you think you are working on one dosha the others will also respond. Something which increases Vata is decreasing Pitta and vice versa. Among the three, Vata has got ‘Chala’ nature, that is ability to move, therefore when Vata get aggravated and moves it d

Mythological origin of ayurveda

Brahma, the creator of Universe composed ayurveda and taught to his son Daksha. He then passed on the science to Ashwini twins and then to Indra,  the king of God’s.  There are many stories in Hindu mythology regarding the practice of Ayurveda and Surgery.  But the humans in the earth was suffering from severe illness and pain for which nobody could find any effective remedy. Hence many great sages of during that period gathered upon in the valley of Himalayas to find a solution for this problem. Three sages among them decided to be the volunteers for the quest of reliable remedy to heal humanity. They decided to approach Indra for this. That was the moment when Lord Indra showered his blessings upon us by passing on the science of healing called Ayurveda to the great sages to alleviate suffering on the mortal plane.  

Origin of ayurveda
